Seit über 40 Jahren lassen wir Kälte und Wärme harmonieren.
Alles begann mit der Idee dem Kältehandwerk ein effizientes, flexibles sowie sicheres System zur Nutzung der Abwärme aus mehreren Kälteanlagen anzubieten. Seitdem liefern wir Kombinationen aus Behältern und Wärmetauschern, welche verlässlich und effektiv Energie sparen und die Umwelt entlasten. Dies macht uns zu dem Spezialisten für Energieeffizienz in der Kältetechnik.
Dank unserer flexiblen und handwerklichen Produktion bieten wir Lösungen für Kälteanlagen von 5 bis 500 kW sowie zum Erwärmen von Trink- und/oder Heizungswasser an. Zudem half uns diese dabei, weitere Produkte wie den DK-Kaltwasserbereiter zu entwickeln.

Confidence Award of the LüKK 2020
In the category drycooler (water, brine) we reached the 2nd place with a mark of 1,96. We would like to thank all the jurors who voted for us.
> read moreEuroShop 2020
Whether you watch the news every evening or not – you will have noticed that climate protection has been a constant topic for months. And this will not change… The world talks about climate protection – we have been providing solutions for 41 years DK supplies food retailers through the refrigeration trade with systems for […]
> read moreCOLD NEWS – The series of events directly from the manufacturer
We cordially invite you to the second edition of COLD NEWS – the series of events directly from the manufacturer. Find out all the latest developments from six companies in just one afternoon. Be part of it: compact Kältetechnik ● ecogreen energie ● ELREHA ● ESK Schultze ● Tyczka Industrie-Gase ● DK-Kälteanlagen In addition to […]
> read moreInvitation to a varigated evening
We offer you the full programme on the topics of refrigeration, heating and subsidies at 19 September. For this purpose the companies Daikin, ecogreen Energie and DK will present their news in the DK seminar room. We are looking forward to meeting you in Emsdetten!
> read more
We were founded in January 1979 by Manfred Drieling and Bernd Kappenberg, who used the first letters of their surnames as the company name. Since the departure of Mr. Drieling about 20 years ago. DK has grown into a successful German family business. Bernd Kappenberg his son Michael established a joint leadership in 2004 to create a seamless continuity of the CUSTOMER 1st management ethos. DK is also pleased that the third generation of the Kappenberg family is already in the starting blocks. Timo Kappenberg, Michael’s son, already has seven years of experience under his belt.
The company is positioned to offer our customers the same personal service for the long term with the second generation of management in place and a third generation in waiting, as well as pioneering products that continue to offer answers to the most current questions of the time: “Saving energy and protecting the environment”.

Contact Person

Michael Kappenberg
CEO / QM coordinator
Phone: +49 2572 9314 – 37

Timo Kappenberg
Order processing
Telefon: +49 2572 9314 – 61

Bernd Schröer
Technical support / sales
Telefon: +49 2572 9314 – 14

Martin Thier
Technical support / sales
Telefon: +49 2572 9314 – 18